Welcome to Brinjal   Crop management and Diagnostic solutions

Brinjal Cultivation : : Manures, Fertilizers & Weeding


Manures & Fertilizers : The fertilizer requirement of brinjal also depends upon soil type, crop rotation, season, genotype and the region of growing. It was observed that brinjal grown after leguminous crop or green manuring yield higher than following a non-leguminous or without green manuring. About 25 tonnes farm yard manure is required for one hectare of land. The application of micronutrients alone or in combination with major nutrients not only increased the yield, but improved the quality also. For open pollinated varieties a fertilizer dose of 120 kg, 80 kg and 50 kg of NPK are recommended. 60kg N and entire quantity or P and K fertilizers applied as basal and the remaining 60kg N applied as top dressing 30 days after transplanting.  For F1 hybrids a fertilizer dose of 180kg, 150kg and 120kg of NPK is recommended, 60 kg N and half the quantity of P and K fertilizers are applied as basal and the remaining quantities of P and K and 60 kg N top-dressed 30 days after. A 3rd  dose of 60kg N is applied 50 days after transplanting. The fertilizer use efficiency also increases with trickle irrigation, as N doze of 180 kg/ha gave same yield with drip system as that of 360 kg/ha with furrow

Weeding :  Brinjal being a slow-growing crop is unable to compete with fast-growing weeds .Shallow inter-cultivation is given to remove weeds from the early growth itself. About 3-4 hoeing are normally needed for an effective control of weeds, proper aeration and good growth of the plants. Mulching in brinjal with black polythene film reduces weed growth, increases crop growth, early bearing and total yield.

Seed rate, Nursery Management

Spacing & transplanting

Manures, Fertilizsers, weeding


Crop rotation

Growth regulators & Pinching


Harvesting & Yield